(giggles of excitement)
Sooo on Friday, dad and I flew out to Colorado, I felt a little sick but I figured it was probably just the nerves and didn't think it was anything to worry about. Right? Wrong. That night I got a fever and an icky cough. The worst part is that when I tried to practice my dances everything went black and I felt like my feet weren't on the ground. Dad wouldn't let me practice any more after that, I was not a happy camper. so after a lot of sleep and a lot of medicine, the next day I felt lots better... except for the fact that I had completely lost my voice, which turned out not to be so helpful when I tried to ask for help. Oopsies. Anyway, after we got all ready we headed out to the feis. I was so excited! After a few hours it was finally my turn to dance, but when I went to check in, guess what? I was the only one signed up for that competition! That was fine, except the same thing happened for all the rest of my dances too. I have tried to explain to my mom that starting Irish dance when your 14 is like starting when your 60 in Irish dance years, she didn't believe me but if this isn't a perfect explanation of that, then I don't know what is. No other under 13 beginner one's? I rest my case. The good news is I got an automatic 1st place in every one of my dances. At first I felt kind of guilty, like I didn't deserve to move up because there was no competition, but on further explanation from my dance friend Taylor I learned that sometimes when that happens if the judge doesn't think you should move up then he just won't place you, so I guess I did pretty well! (Or maybe it was a pity first because I'm so old...) either way I am perfectly ecstatic. I like to think that I looked pretty intimidating and important walking out of there with three 1st place medals and a 1st place trophy. oh yeah.
So overall I'm just really glad I got to go. It was so much fun, (even if I couldn't talk), and I'm lucky I have great parents who take me to classes and competitions in Colorado. Plus how many people can say they placed first in all their dances at their first feis??You just gotta do what you love right?
so because my dad was determined we were going to follow the "no photography" rule (that everyone else seemed to be breaking) this is our one and only picture from winterfeis. But isn't it cool? i like it. I hope this feis is the first of many many fun feising adventures (which we will discuss with mom later...) 

lots and lots of love from E.
I am so proud of you! Good job Em! Your experience makes for a really great story! Good luck in the future...hopefully you will be competing against other dancers! and hopefully they are closer to home so I can come and watch!
You look beautiful and YES, it is wonderful to follow what you love!!! I'll keep your mom in line!!!
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