Christmas was absolutely fantastic. I didn't get everything on my lovely Christmas list, but then you cant really expect everything from a $1000 plus wish list can you? But anyway it was what my brothers and sister and I deemed "The best Christmas ever!" So you can't really go wrong, can you?
Here is a little of what I did get-
Here is a little of what I did get-

My main present was my absolutely beautiful, perfect,amazing,wonderful,best-ever, tiny laptop. I gotta admit that when I ran out on Christmas morning I was a little disappointed because its so small it looked like one of the little kids laptops you know, like barbie, that helps you learn your letters and numbers, but obviously it wasn't and I was completely blissed out after that. Next to that I had some books, Jackets, a wii fit for our whole family which we all LOVE, and an awesome printer/scanner/copier/imnotreallysurewhatelseitdoes, but anyway I love it too. One of the best things was my Grandmas present. This year she decided to give everyone in our family a treasure, something special that has a neat story with it.
(don't tell anyone else-mine was the best)
The day after the war ended in 1945 My Grandmas family could buy gas and tires for their car because it wasn't rationed anymore so they all went to Canada for a family vacation. While they were there she bought this beautiful green tea set, and it was the first thing in her trousseau. Don't you just love stories? especially special things with stories to them?
Oh- and I almost forgot- The icing on the cake is that it snowed all day and was the most perfect white christmas. (all of our England family were jealous.)
New years was really good too. We spent it in Las Vegas with my aunt Betsey and her family and I had loads of fun running around the church's "brand new year" party, dancing, and getting thrown to the top of a velcro wall which was...interesting.
I hope all of you had as good of holidays as I did, and that you have a brilliant 2009!

Merry Christmas!
lots and lots of love from E.
I can not believe you got a lap top for Christmas but I am glad your Christmas was good
I want to see a pic of the tea set. Now! I am so jealous!! I only have mutated/evil grandparents alive, so they can't give me cool stuff. (Fuming)
I am so gald that you had such a great Christmas...but I hate to tell you that I INFACT GOT THE BEST GIFT FROM GRANDMA! I am so excited to see you this weekend and spend sometime with your family! I love you!
Im so excited to see you too! we are going to have a blast!I love you!
p.s. psh wait til you see my teaset, it TOTALLY wins
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