Today I was cleaning my room when there was this tiny little knock on the door, and John came in.
"Hey Emily, you play baseball with me?"
"Mmm, when I finish cleaning my room Johnny, 'Kay?"
"Can I help you?"
Now, John absolutely LOVES cleaning my room with me, but the problem is, he usually ends up getting out more stuff than he puts away, which puts me in even more of a mess than I was to begin with so I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to say yes, but he looked so cute that I finally gave in.
As im cleaning up I found a little piece of old scrapbook paper underneath my dresser so I asked John if he would please throw it away for me. At which point he jumps off of my now completely unmade bed and says,"sure!" He goes to throw it away, and then he turns to me with this completely horrified look and says,
"Emily, don't throw this away, this is so pretty." Then he gives it to me and pats my hand and says
"you keep this". It kept happening, every time I tried to throw something away, "Emily, you cannot throw this away, it is so pretty!" It didn't matter what it was, a piece of string, a wrapper, everything was "so pretty".It was so cute, (and a little frustrating) but it made me think: how many things do we go through life taking for granted, and throwing away. A hug, a sunny day, or a friend, even homework, or a dance practice, and never realizing that they are "so pretty". The only difference is, we don't have someone telling us not to throw it away. So thats my goal of the week, not to throw away all the pretty things. Thank you Johnny, you're my favorite.
lots and lots of love from E.