For the past few weeks I've been asking my friends "what do you want for Christmas?", and for the past few weeks the response has always been the same! "Mmmm, not much". Lets be honest here, when I wrote my letter to Santa "not much" was most definitely not on my list, however, here are a couple of things that were...
First on the list are these awesome slippers. They look just like my dance shoes, only they're slippers!(and plus they're a little fatter). Dancing AND comfort- best shoes ever! (note- they say dancing diva and Ireland on the side!)

I love jewelry, and I love all things vintage, this store meets both of my requirements. So on the less expensive side of the spectrum: jewelry from Dear Lizzie.( plus maybe some other stuff,- ive been good all year I promise!)
And last but not least a subscription to irish dancing magazine!!
Expensive? yes. Excessive? yes. Unrealistic? well, maybe a tiny bit, but there there you go, that is my christmas wish list.
lots and lots of love from E.
Your mom is even considering a laptop? LUCKY!
Merry Christmas
your friend Amy
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