Friday, December 19, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Festival of trees!

(note-im the one 3rd from the right, unfortunately I look a tiny bit bald in front in this video because my wig hasnt gotten here yet, but thanks so so SO much to Caitlin who curled my hair for me!)
lots and lots of love from E.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Santa baby

I love jewelry, and I love all things vintage, this store meets both of my requirements. So on the less expensive side of the spectrum: jewelry from Dear Lizzie.( plus maybe some other stuff,- ive been good all year I promise!)
And last but not least a subscription to irish dancing magazine!!
Expensive? yes. Excessive? yes. Unrealistic? well, maybe a tiny bit, but there there you go, that is my christmas wish list.
lots and lots of love from E.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So far im pretty satisfied - now I just need to work on my photo taking skills!
lots and lots of love from E.